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Cold Case in Ellyson by Susan AndersonCold Case in Ellyson
by Susan Anderson
(Paperback - October 16, 2009)
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Cold Case in Ellyson by Susan Anderson for your KindleCold Case in Ellyson
by Susan Anderson
(Kindle Book - October 16, 2009)
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Cold Case in Ellyson is available in paperback from We have just released a Kindle version as well.

Cold Case in Ellyson by Susan AndersonCold Case in Ellyson
by Susan Anderson
(Paperback - October 16, 2009)
In Stock

Cold Case in Ellyson by Susan AndersonCold Case in Ellyson
by Susan Anderson
(Kindle Book - October 16, 2009)
In Stock

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I thought it was a great mystery and I liked the way it gently unwrapped a lot of the "gentile southern" personalities. Having grown up in the south I have found that most books and/or movies do not really know how to deal with the southern traditions without a lot of exaggeration. It was also refreshing to read a mystery that dealt with a three dimensional main character. Most writers fail to develop their main character and the reader is left guessing what the main character is about. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a refreshing change from the "typical" mystery novel.


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